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Family Values

The Yoder & Frey culture is founded on family values, since 1964 and is still a truly family run business.


We provide a straightforward service that enables our customers to easily buy and sell equipment and machinery. The Yoder & Frey culture is founded on family values and is still very much a family run business. Our culture is based on a ‘can do’ attitude. On a sale day, from the newest recruit to Peter Clarke, President of Yoder & Frey, we all get involved and help make the sale a success.


Our staff are our greatest asset and as such we ensure that they have all the tools they need to do their jobs properly and to give our customers the very best of service. Staff are highly qualified, knowledgeable, understand the needs of our customers, have exceptional product knowledge and put the customer first. Our staff will always put in extra effort to make sure the job is done right.


We strive to know all our customers personally. The global industrial plant, construction equipment and agricultural machinery market is a small and intimate world. Over the years the Yoder & Frey team have striven to get to know those that buy or sell with us on a regular basis.

By getting to know our customers we have been able to provide support to our sellers when finding the perfect buyers for their equipment and machinery.

Regardless of what our vendors and consignors have to sell, we have the intelligence to know on a global scale who will be interested in that particular type of industrial plant, construction equipment or agricultural machinery. With this knowledge we can ensure both buyer and seller are truly happy with the service we provide.


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